Makarenko Yuri Ivanovych

Deputy General Director


He was born on September 17, 1965 inv. Ohorivka, Shchokyn district, Tula region.

In 1984 he graduated from the South Ural Polytechnic School, in 2011 – Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade.

Labor activity

05.1984 - 09.1990 – military service.

09.1990 - 03.1991 – driver of a special vehicle of the Dnipropetrovsk agro-industrial combine.

03.1991 - 11.1991 – mechanic of the Pokrovsky fishing collective farm named after Krasin of the Dnepropetrovsk regional fish factory.

12.1991 - 03.1992 – driver of the Intersectoral Research and Production Center “Spektr”.

05.1992 - 04.1993 – driver of vehicles for the removal of ore minerals in the open cut of the Ordzhonikidze mining and processing plant.

05.1993 - 02.1996 – installer of the 3rd grade, foreman of the Construction Department No. 3 of the trust “Marganetsrudbud”.

02.1996 - 03.1997 – supply engineer, deputy director for commercial issues of the enterprise“Progress-Invest”.

04.1997 - 04.1999 – deputy director, director of the Limited Liability Company “Izor-LTD”.

04.1999 - 06.2000 – head of the construction site of the Private Enterprise “NIKS”.

07.2000 - 11.2001 – on-siteforeman of the Private Enterprise “Eurobud”.

01.2002 - 10.2002 – head of the delivery department of the Limited Liability Company “Giz-Contact LTD”.

01.2003 – 03.2004 – on-siteforeman of building and construction department -2 of the Closed Joint-Stock Company “Spetsbudmontazh”.

04.2004 – 09.2004 – on-siteforeman of the Private Enterprise “Promsviaz-Service”.

10.2004 - 07.2005 – deputy director for construction of the State Enterprise “Building Company “KEYKO”.

12.2004 - 04.2008 – director of the Private Enterprise “Credo-Parity”.

04.2008 – 10.2008 – director of the Limited Liability Company “ATRIBUD”.

09.2010 – 03.2011 – head of the Municipal Enterprise “Starosaltivsky combine of housing and utilities services”, Chief Economist.

04.2011 – 06.2012 – head of the housing and public utilities department of the Open Joint Stock Company “Turboatom”.

06.2012 – 01.2019 – head of the social policy department of the Public Joint Stock Company “Turboatom”.

01.2019 – 10.2020 – head of the architectural and buildingdepartment, head of the infrastructure and social policy department of the Joint Stock Company “Turboatom”.

10.2020 – 08.2023 – head of the infrastructure department of the Joint-Stock Company “Ukrainian Energy Machines”.

Since 08.08.2023 – Deputy General Director of “Ukrenergymachines”JSC.