The equipment for the Middle Dnieper HPP is manufactured

“Turboatom” carried out the shipment of manufactured equipment for the Middle Dnieper HPP.

PJSC “Turboatom” produced and shipped for Middle Dnieper HPP the oil receivers and hydraulic turbine parts (station number 5). Earlier, the shaft was shipped to the plant. It is to be recalled that on November 22, 2017 PJSC “Turboatom” and PJSC “Ukrhydroenergo” signed a contract for the reconstruction of two hydraulic units (rotary-blade turbines and generators) for Middle Dnieper HPP. The contract is planned to be completed by September 2021. This will increase the capacity of the Ukrgidroenergo hydroelectric power plants, increase the production of electric power, extend the life of the company's HPP equipment, and strengthen the reliability of the country's energy system as a whole.

Middle Dnieper HPP (until 2016 Dneprodzerzhinsk) - is the 4th stage of the middle part of the cascade of hydroelectric power plants on the river Dnieper. It forms Kamenskoye reservoir. It is located in the village Kamenskoe.

8 vertical hydroelectric generators with a total installed capacity of 352 MW are installed at the Middle Dnieper HPP. The unit capacity of the hydraulic units is 44 MW. Turbines are rotary-blade type, with a capacity of 45.7 MW, produced by PJSC “Turboatom”.
