“Turboatom” celebrated its 84th anniversary

On January 21, 2018 “Turboatom” marked 84 years from the day of its foundation. The ceremonial events took place on January 23 with the participation of honored guests – the Chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration Yulia Svetlichna and the Chief of the Field Office of the National Police in the Kharkov region, General of the Police of the Third Rank Oleg Bekh.

Within the framework of the visit, Yulia Svetlichnaya and Oleg Bekh held a working meeting with the management of PJSC “Turboatom”. The Governor noted that to date the main issue and the key task for the company is to increase social standards. Yulia Svetlichnaya thanked the General Director of PJSC “Turboatom” Victor Subbotin for preservation of the rate of increase in wages at the enterprise. Also, the Chairman of KhRSA visited the personal reception room of the Governor at the enterprise, which was decided to be organized after the last visit of Yulia Svetlichnaya to the plant. “I am very pleased that the management of “Turboatom” supported my idea of opening a personal reception room,” – she said during the ceremony of awarding the best workers of the plant. – “I was informed that the turbo builders have already received help in amount of 150 thousand UAH.”

The guests also visited the steam turbine and hydro turbine workshops, in the latter of which a meeting with the labor force was held. Yulia Svetlichnaya and Oleg Bekh had a conversation in an informal atmosphere with the work collective of the enterprise. The Governor once again noted the stable work and constant development of PJSC “Turboatom”.

“This year the holiday is especially valuable for us, as we completed the last year of 2017 with very good economic indicators,” – the General Director said. According to him, the volume of the company's sales amounted to more than 2.5 billion UAH. He also touched upon the development of social standards in the enterprise. “Last year, we identified a significant social program, which we carried out completely,” Viktor Subbotin said. – “The Directorate, together with the Trade Union, undertook obligations to the staff to raise wages at the enterprise. So far as to say, it was difficult to find the reserves that would ensure the fulfillment of this goal, but the task was fulfilled – the salary in 2017 increased by an average of 40%.”

Also, the General Director noted that the plant signed contracts for 5 billion UAH. Thus, the company is loaded with orders for the coming years. This was facilitated by the fact that for the first time in recent years the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the financial plan of “Turboatom” for the next year in the current year.

The Chairman of the KhRSA Yuliya Svetlichnaya congratulated the turbine builders on the holiday. In her compellation, she noted how pleasant it is for her to visit staffs. “I visit plants to personally learn about the state of affairs, to communicate with people,” said the Governor. “That's when you can feel the changes that have occurred since your last visit.” The Chairman of the KhRSA noted that the industry of the Kharkov region is very important for the region. “Every third inhabitant of the region works at industrial enterprises of the region,” – said Yulia Svetlichnaya. – “The industry grew by 6%, and engineering – by 7-8%. These figures show that industry in the Kharkov region is beginning to grow. It is especially gratifying that the great contribution to this progress belongs to the giant in power engineering of Ukraine. Because the “Turboatom” is a name of national scale”. Yulia Svetlichnaya added that she is proud of the fact that the “Turboatom” is located in the Kharkov region. “I am delighted that my compatriots, Kharkov citizens, who live their work, the future of the enterprise, belong to the glorious collective of this plant,” said the Chairman of KhRSA.

For the high level of professional skills, exemplary performance of her official duties and on the occasion of the 84th anniversary of the foundation of the plant, Yulia Svetlichnaya presented 10 turbo constructors with Honorary Diplomas and Honorary Mention of the Chairman of the Kharkov State Regional Administration and the Kharkov Regional Council.

In turn, the Chief of FONP Oleg Bekh congratulated the management of PJSC “Turboatom” and the whole work collective on the occasion. “I got acquainted with the history of “Turboatom” and I must say that you have something to be proud of. Today your plant is one of the most famous enterprises in the world, a visiting card of the domestic power engineering industry. This is evidenced by the sales geography, which counts 45 countries of the world”, – said Oleg Bekh. The Chief of FONP gave 5 turbo-builders a medal “For Honorable Service” of the 3rd degree.

Also, 22 advanced workers and lead specialists of “Turboatom” were awarded with Honorary Mention of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, the Kharkov Regional State Administration and the Regional Council, the Kharkov City Council and the Administration of Nemyshlyansky District, Kharkov.

In addition, 13 employees were awarded the title of “Honorary turbo builder”, the title “Veteran of Turboatom” was awarded to 14 people; two turbo builders were awarded the award “For Merits”.
