At PJSC "Turboatom" acceptance of equipment for Armenian NPP took place

At the end of January 2018, representatives of Armenian NPP conducted acceptance of equipment for modernization of K-220-44 turbines.

In general, to customer was handed over: intermediate assembly of one of two low pressure cylinders, machining of modernization units, spare parts of units of governing system. Now equipment has been transferred to assembly and testing workshop No. 73 to prepare for shipment.

During inspection, geometric dimensions of equipment were checked for compliance with drawings and all necessary documentation. The parties signed a protocol on compliance of all controlled parameters with requirements of the contract. It is worth to note that shipment of LPC-2 was scheduled for March of this year, but "Turboatom`s" specialists manufactured equipment ahead of schedule.

Also in April, it is planned to ship to the plant low pressure cylinder No. 1 and high pressure cylinder. Thus, in May 2018 enterprise will fully supply to Armenian NPP all necessary equipment for the first of two turbines, which are being modernized.

The contract with Metsamor (Armenian) NPP was signed by enterprise in March 2017. According to it, PJSC "Turboatom" is upgrading two K-220-44 turbines with rated capacity of 220 MW at power unit No. 2 of nuclear power plant. This modernization is aimed at increasing of capacity, increasing overhaul period and service life of turbines.

Armenian NPP - is a nuclear power plant built in times of the USSR on the territory of Armenian SSR near the town of Metsamor. It consists of two power units with reactors of VVER-440 type. Installed heat capacity of one unit is 1375 MW, electric power - 440 MW. "Turboatom" took direct part in development of Armenia's nuclear energy. So, in the period from 1974 to 1979 for Armenian NPP, Kharkiv company supplied 4 turbines with capacity of 220 MW.
