Collective agreement has been accepted

22 February 2018 at PJSC "Turboatom" held annual conference on conclusion of Collective agreement for 2018-2019. It was attended by 389 delegates from all subdivisions of the plant.

The conference summed up implementation of Collective agreement for 2017 and adopted new one - for 2018-2019.
Presidium included 4 persons: General Director of the enterprise Victor Subotin, Chief Engineer Grigoriy Ishchenko, Chairman of Trade Union Committee Irina Yefremova, Deputy Chairman of Trade Union Committee Mykola Turchin.
Reporting at conference, Grigoriy Ishchenko summed up results of the last year, stressing that enterprise team in 2017 ensured fulfillment of basic technical and economic indicators and confirmed stable financial situation: "Stable work of enterprise allowed us to maintain positive dynamics in all areas of production and economic activity, successfully cope with implementation of Collective agreement of 2017 in full scope." He said that during the year plant manufactured and shipped equipment for South Ukrainian and Zaporizhzhya NPPs (Ukraine), Paksi NPP (Hungary) and RAPP (India), Slavyansk TPP, Zaporizhzhya TPP (Ukraine), and others. For hydropower - equipment for Kanev, Kiev, Kakhovka, Srednodniprovsk HPPs and Dnister HPSPP (Ukraine), and others. In addition, in 2017, work continued on technical re-equipment and overhauling of equipment. Main directions of company's technical development in reporting period were: increase technical level of machining, welding and metallurgical production. Technical re-equipment of PJSC "Turboatom" includes purchase and introduction of new modern equipment, as well as repair and modernization of existing one. During year, tariff rates and salaries for all categories of personnel were raised by average of 15%. At the end of 2017, the thirteenth salary was paid.

According to results of enterprise's work for the year and 7 months, results of work of structural subdivisions in accordance with Regulations on review-competition were summed up. Winners received diplomas and pennants, cash bonuses were paid.

Irina Yefremova noted that during year 2017, in current Collective agreement, by joint decisions of directorate and trade union committee made additions and changes in connection with reorganization of structure of the enterprise, certification of new workplaces for employees working in harmful working conditions and for other reasons. In reporting period, measures were taken to improve level of labor protection, improve social and domestic sphere of the enterprise, and ensure safe operation of buildings and structures. "Turboatom" pays special attention to conditions of work and rest of employees, creates necessary conditions for growth of their creative potential, cohesion, as well as attraction to artistic and aesthetic values, common corporate culture. "Summing up results of 2017, I want to say that implementation of Collective agreement deserves positive assessment," said Chairman of Trade Union Committee.

During 2017, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic and therapeutic and preventive measures were taken to prevent accidents and occupational diseases during labor. Employees of the enterprise working in harmful working conditions continued to be provided with milk and fruit juices, they were also provided with additional vacations, breaks for sanitary purposes, reduced working hours or shorter working week, various additional payments and wage surcharges. Workers were provided with soap, overalls, special footwear, mittens and other personal protective equipment, as well as warm overalls, in cases when work is related to hypothermia.

Employees of the enterprise had opportunity to improve their health at SRB "Blue Bay" in summer. During health improving season at recreation center "Blue Bay" was organized 6 arrivals for 12 days, and in September, weekend tours were arranged. For the whole period, 751 employees of enterprise and their family members, including 155 children of enterprise employees have rested. In addition to rest in "Blue Bay", for children of enterprise employees were bought vouchers for children's camp at sanatorium Bermindvody. 97 children have rested in this camp.

At the end of conference, delegates unanimously voted for adoption of Collective agreement for 2018-2019, and approved membership of the standing commissions.

Following the conference, General Director Victor Subotin noted that team of the enterprise coped with all production and social tasks of Collective agreement of 2017. "Successfully fulfilled terms for all contracts of the last year and, most importantly, new contracts have been signed that give stable load for the next few years. In accepted Collective agreement, new tasks have been set before the enterprise. We have a lot of work to do, which we will surely do" - he said.
