"Turboatom" gathered honorary citizens

At the beginning of March 2018, PJSC "Turboatom" was visited by Honorary Citizens of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.

Among guests who came to "Turboatom" were outstanding people of city of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region, who with their work glorify the region. Yury Shramko, former mayor of Kharkiv, Mikhailo Pilipchuk, People's Artist of Ukraine Svitlana Kolyvanova-Popescu, first and many-year rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Olexandr Bandurka, General Director of Kharkiv Biscuit Factory Alla Kovalenko, Paralympic champion Maxim Veraksa and many other Kharkiv citizens had opportunity to get acquainted with the production capacities of the leader of power engineering industry of Ukraine.

Guests visited main workshops of the enterprise: steam turbine (No. 53) got acquainted with features of production of hydroturbines in workshop No 83; also visited blade workshop (No. 55) and assembly-testing workshop (No. 73). General Director of PJSC "Turboatom" Victor Subotin personally told about directions and tasks existing at plant to date. Honorary citizens highly appreciated potential and technical level of "Turboatom", showed great interest in products, talked with employees of enterprise. At the end of visit, they unanimously confirmed the plant's ability to produce high-quality and competitive products.

According to Svitlana Kolyvanova-Popescu, "Turboatom" amazes with its scale and power. "When you get here, it's very hard to believe what you see," she says. - It's incredible. I am very proud that such products are manufactured at Kharkiv plant. And not least, in my opinion, this is thanks to the work of General Director."

In his turn, Mikhailo Pilipchuk expressed opinion that this meeting will fill everyone present with pleasant memories from enterprise visiting. "The collective of "Turboatom" for years of independence has reached incredible peaks, - former mayor of Kharkiv is sure. - "The plant is unconditional flagship of Ukraine's power engineering industry and is known all over the world." Mikhailo Pilipchuk also added that among Honorable Citizens of city and region there were heads of industrial enterprises, research institutes, many representatives of culture and sport - they all understand value of such enterprises as "Turboatom". "I am especially pleased to be in collective of the turbine plant, because in 1970s and 1980s I often visited plant with working visits. And in my heart and memory, fine workers always remained with whom, in particular, we built "Moskovsky Prospekt" metro station,-"he said at the end.

Honorary citizen of Kharkiv region Vladislav Mysnichenko noted that team of "Turboatom" is one of the foremost not only in Kharkiv region, but also in Ukraine. "I must say that "Turboatom" has always determined level of work of industry of Kharkiv and region," he said. "The plant has always been visited by outstanding figures of the state, science, education, etc." Finally, Vladislav Mysnichenko noted that even in difficult times for Ukrainian economy, Turboatom always worked and helped build a new country.
