Condensers for South-Ukraine NPP are ready for shipment

In workshops of enterprise arrangements on shipment of equipment for South-Ukraine NPP (Ukraine) are coming to an end.

In the beginning of April PJSC "Turboatom" will ship two condensers KP-1650 for needs of nuclear power plant; preparation for shipment is now taking place in workshops of enterprise. Equipment is already completely manufactured and accepted by the customer.

Condensers of turbines of feed pumps are part of 1000 MW turbine unit. Its new design, which is development of specialists of "Turboatom", provides turbine unit with comprehensive increase in reliability and economy.

Design of condensers proposed by "Turboatom" is a continuation of enterprise's work in direction of replacement of main condensers of turbines and exclusion of materials containing copper from circuits. This allows to provide more reliable and safe operation of turbine equipment and improvement of NPP performance.

New design of above condensers has many advantages. One of them is complete readiness of equipment for installation. Condensers are delivered to power plant completely ready, so it is enough to install it on foundation and equipment is ready for operation. Thus, condensers do not require process of assemblage and welding at power plant. In addition, new design provides high vacuum and water density.
