At "Turboatom" took place contest of children's drawings "Labor protection through eyes of children"

20 April 2018 at "Turboatom" took place awarding of winners of contests of children's drawings on labor protection.

At enterprise took place solemn awarding of winners of regional competition of children's drawing "Labor protection through eyes of children", as well as winners of competition, that was held at JSC "Turboatom", dedicated to Labor Protection Day. According to Main Department of Labor, 159 educational institutions participated in regional contest that sent 793 pictures.

The plant review-competition of works of children of turbine-constructors was held in the framework of regional contest of children's drawings "Labor protection through eyes of children" with support of trade union committee of JSC "Turboatom".

Award ceremony was attended by Heads of departments, trade union committee and representative of Main Department of Labor in Kharkiv region. Head of Main Department of Labor in Kharkiv region Volodymyr Rozhansky and Deputy General Director of JSC "Turboatom" Dmytro Nesterenko addressed to participants with welcoming speech.

In his address, Volodymyr Rozhansky congratulated everyone with World Labor Protection Day and expressed his gratitude to parents and teachers for developing talent in children. "I want to thank generation that you bring up, to whom you transfer on your knowledge, as well as for participating in our drawing competition.", - he said. Also, Volodymyr Rozhansky noted that the second year in row at All-Ukrainian competition, representative of Kharkiv region became a winner.

Dmytro Nesterenko congratulated winners and stressed importance of such holiday as World Labor Protection Day. "This holiday allows paying attention of employers to working conditions and safety at workplace of their employees. At our enterprise, to issues of labor protection are given a lot of attention, and over past 2017 plant allocated over 13 million hryivnas for solving these issues." In conclusion Dmytro Nesterenko on behalf of General Director of JSC "Turboatom" Victor Subotin thanked all participants for initiative and congratulated everyone with holiday. "Also, I would like to thank MD of Labor that they are carrying out similar events, since this forces every employee at any enterprise to think about fact that work must be safer."

After award ceremony, all participants of the event had opportunity to get acquainted with work of JSC "Turboatom". Excursion was arranged for them, on territory of assembly and testing workshop No. 73.

Reference. Every year on 28 April, International Labor Organization (ILO) celebrates World Labor Protection Day to promote prevention of accidents and diseases at workplace around the world. In all regions of the world, government, trade unions, employers' organizations and practice specialists in area of labor safety arrange events to celebrate Labor Protection Day.
