At "Turboatom" took place general meeting of shareholders

By Majority of votes it was decided to change name of the company to Joint Stock Company "Turboatom".

Agenda consisted of 15 issues.

Total number of shareholders included in list of shareholders eligible to participate in General Meeting of Shareholders amounted to 7333 shareholders. To participate in meeting, 41 shareholders and their representative were registered, holders of 91.75% of total number of voting shares. State holding of shares, (75.22% of statutory fund) was presented by State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU).

According to article 41 of the Law of Ukraine "On Joint Stock Companies", quorum for holding of general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "Turboatom" was reached, General Meeting of Shareholders is eligible.

General Director of PJSC "Turboatom" Victor Subotin and representative of SPFU Dmytro Popov were elected to the presidium of General Meeting. Shareholders elected General Director of PJSC "Turboatom" Victor Subotin as Chairman of the meeting.

Shareholders of "Turboatom" approved Directorate's report on results of the company's financial and economic activities for 2017. Majority voted for decision. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise in 2017 were reported by General Director of the enterprise. So, he noted that enterprise does not involve bank loans, has no debts for payment of salaries, transfer of taxes and the like. To pay dividends in 2017 it was submitted 75% of profit, that amounted to 532 815 thousand hryivnas. "This is one of the highest indicators among Ukrainian enterprises," - added Victor Subotin. Average salary in 2017 amounted to 8273 hryivn., as a whole for the enterprise, having increased for the year by 30%.

To maintain leading position in the world market of power engineering, "Turboatom" is carrying out technical re-equipment of production facilities, introducing innovative technical processes. Over the past 10 years, company has invested more than 70 million US dollars in technical re-equipment. In particular, in 2017, more than 60 units of equipment were modernized.

Report of Audit Commission on work, annual reports and balance of the Company for 2017 were approved. Meeting amended Charter of PJSC "Turboatom" by approving a new version, in connection with bringing the company's activities in line with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Joint Stock Companies" - Charter of Joint Stock Company "Turboatom" will be signed in new edition.

Shareholders decided on amount of distribution of profits received in 2017 to pay dividends.

At the end of meeting Victor Subotin assured that "Turboatom" will continue its stable work on increasing production scopes: "We have all possibilities for this".
