10 May 2018 presentation of new magazine "Ukrainska Mit" was held, it was created with assistance of "Turboatom".

Presentation was attended by representatives of various enterprises of Kharkiv, cultural figures, journalists. Magazine was presented by author of idea of its creation Olexandr Svyatotsky, Secretary of Kharkov City Council Olexandr Novak and editor-in-chief of magazine Anastasia Smekhova.

For participation in preparation of the first issue of magazine and fruitful cooperation JSC "Turboatom" was awarded with Gratitude, which was presented by editor-in-chief.

As Olexandr Svyatotsky said, Kharkiv in modern realities is the city that has changed significantly in recent years. Therefore, the first issue of the magazine is dedicated to this city. In article titled "Kharkiv - city-brand" it is told in detail about sights and favorite places of townspeople - "Strilka" square, Dzerkalniy strumin, Constitution square, Shevchenko garden, monument to Kobzar, Svobody square and others.

As Anastasia Smekhova noted, next issue will be dedicated to Zaporizhia. "And this issue, like all the rest, will be distributed at country's airports on free newspaper stands. It will also be distributed at railway stations and in other places. We want to write about Ukraine, so that people learn more about our country" - Smekhova said.

In his turn, Secretary of Kharkiv City Council, Olexandr Novak, said that thanks to new magazine, even more people will learn about Kharkov. "Article about Kharkiv, published in magazine, will attract more tourists to our city," - noted Novak.
