Work of "Turboatom" awarded with State Prize of Ukraine

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed Decree No. 138/2018 dated 21 May 2018 "On award of State Prize of Ukraine in field of science and technology of 2017 to "Turboatom".

Based on presentation of Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in field of science and technology, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko decided:

award State Prize of Ukraine in field of science and technology in 2017 for work "Creation of reversible hydraulic units of Dniester HPSPP to improve efficiency of unified power network of Ukraine."

Employees of JSC "Turboatom" became laureates of State Prize:

  • Cherkassky Olexiy Yuriyovych - First Deputy General Director
  • Ishchenko Grygoriy Ivanovych - Chief Engineer
  • Linnik Olexandr Vasylovych - Chief Designer

We heartily congratulate Laureates with high award!
