JSC "Turboatom" celebrated its 85th anniversary


14 February 2019, at Palace of Students of National Law University named after. Yaroslav the Wise took place solemn celebration of the 85th anniversary of JSC "Turboatom" with participation of the President of Ukraine.

Among honorable guests were people's deputies of Ukraine, representatives of leading industrial enterprises of Kharkiv region, representatives of energy sector, science and education of Ukraine, foreign partners of JSC "Turboatom".

Turbine constructors were greeted by representatives of Directorate of SE NNEGC "Energoatom" in person of the president of the company Yuri Nedashkovsky. "I congratulate you on behalf of thousands of Ukrainian nuclear scientists on your 85th anniversary," he said. "Turboatom" is one of the world leaders in field of power engineering." Yuri Nedashkovsky also noted that for Ukraine "Turboatom" is unique strategic enterprise which every stage of development gives impetus to implementation of new engineering and technical solutions and opens up new opportunities for domestic energy industry. "I sincerely wish "Turboatom" team constant commitment to continuous improvement, creation and implementation of innovations, increase of volumes of own production, expansion of spheres and geography of its activity", - finally said Head of "Energoatom".

Between companies "Energoatom" and "Turboatom" were signed:

  • Agreement on essential terms of the agreement between JSC "Turboatom" and SE NNEGC "Energoatom" for manufacture of condenser for South-Ukrainian NPP in accordance with the program of import substitution worth 500 million hryivn.;
  • addition to Program of participation of JSC "Turboatom" in supplying equipment for NPPs of Ukraine for 5-year period up to 2022.

In turn, Victor Subotin thanked Yuri Nedashkovsky for trust from the side of "Energoatom" to the team of Kharkiv enterprise. Victor Subotin also handed to "Energoatom" team in person of its president Honorary Badge "Reliable Business Partner".

From the side of hydropower sector Volodymyr Rudenko, Deputy General Director of PJSC "Ukrhydroenergo", congratulated turbine constructors with holiday. "Whole team of our company congratulates our friends and partners on anniversary," he said in his address. - We operate more than 100 hydro units of various capacities. It is important to have stable plant for this, since operation of such amount of equipment requires significant amount of work. Our cooperation is long-term and successful - today we have contracts of over 5.5 billion hryivn. by 2021. I think that we have productive common future ahead of us." For long and close work, significant contribution to development of hydropower of Ukraine PJSC "Ukrhydroenergo" was awarded with Honorary Badge "Reliable Business Partner".

From the side of scientists "Turboatom", was congratulated with anniversary by the First Vice-President of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician Anton Naumovets, Head of Secretariat of State Prize Committee on Science and Technology Vadim Stogniy and Deputy Director of Institute of Electric Welding named after Paton Leonid Lobanov. In their address, they noted contribution of "Turboatom" to development of power engineering industry in Ukraine.

From the side of educators, "Turboatom" was congratulated by Honorary Rector of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Leonid Tovazhnyansky and the First Vice-Rector on Scientific and Pedagogical work of Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy Anatoly Tarasyuk. "Turboatom" - one of the important enterprises of our country that determines energy, economic and national security of Ukraine, - said Anatoly Tarasyuk. - We are proud that we have a great honor to cooperate with you".

Greetings were also expressed by General Director of PJSC "Energomashspetsstal" Vitaliy Gnezditsky, Director of nuclear energy projects Itaru Koneka and Commercial Director of Global Business Department of "Toshiba" (Japan) Akira Izava. "We are proud to have close cooperation with our enterprises," said Vitaliy Gnezditsky. - I would like to wish you success and new achievements. We face many challenges that we hope will be solved by joint efforts." In his turn, Akira Izava thanked for being able to attend festive event. "On behalf of "Toshiba" Corporation, I convey my sincere congratulations and best wishes to entire team of JSC "Turboatom". We wish you all productive and personal prosperity, numerical orders, successful contracts and new achievements."

Among foreign guests, greetings from scene were expressed by General Director of CJSC "Armenian NPP" Movses Vardanyan and Vice President for Development and Provision of Production of JSC" Eurasia Energy Corporation" (Kazakhstan) Bogdan Naboka. "On behalf of team of Armenian NPP and Ministry of Energy of Republic of Armenia, I would like to congratulate you on the 85th anniversary, - Movses Vardanyan said in his greetings. - As Caucasians say, 85 years is just the age when you know everything and you can. Our cooperation began in 1969 and still "Turboatom" remains our strategic and reliable partner. I think that for 30 years we will definitely work together. " Also, Movses Vardanyan thanked Victor Subotin and whole team of "Turboatom" for quality work performed during modernization of equipment at Armenian NPP in 2018. In his turn, Bohdan Naboka noted that JSC "EEC" is old partner of "Turboatom", thanks to which company provides 18% of the electricity market of Republic of Kazakhstan. "At our TPP Aksu operates 8 turbines of "Turboatom" company with total capacity of 2400 MW, 6 of which have been modernized. And we can confirm, not in words, quality of products manufactured at Kharkiv enterprise," - he said. At the end, Bogdan Naboka wished team of "Turboatom" development, ambitious projects, reliable partners and safe work.

Among invited guests there were also representatives of state bodies of Ukraine. So, team of "Turboatom" was congratulated by Head of Kharkiv Department of Large Taxpayers Office of SFS Galina Fedenko, President of Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine Grigol Katamadze and Deputy Head of State Property Fund of Ukraine Volodymyr Derzhavin. In their addresses, they noted incredible openness and transparency with which "Turboatom" approaches issues of paying taxes to state and local budgets of Ukraine. "When analyzing financial activity, making tax administration I want proudly say with that there is no suspicious transaction on "Turboatom"," said Galina Fedenko. In his turn, Grigol Katamadze noted how "Turboatom" managed to withstand today's uneasy economic conditions and congratulated Victor Subotin on signing new contracts that would allow plant to develop and grow. Volodymyr Derzhavin, as representative of management body of Kharkiv enterprise, expressed great interest in work of "Turboatom" team and personally Victor Subotin. "We have for ourselves three theses in relation to" Turboatom ", - said Deputy Head of SPF. - First of all, it is guarantee of reliability, success and guarantee of fulfillment of its obligations. Secondly, "Turboatom" brings state tremendous benefits and profits. And thirdly, the quality of "Turboatom" product is recognized at the international level, which is definition of hard work of all turbine constructors."

At the end of ceremonial part of celebration, General Director of "Turboatom" Victor Subotin expressed gratitude to all guests and partners of the enterprise. "We sincerely thank all our friends who came from all over the world: from far Japan, from Armenia, Kazakhstan, European countries, came our Ukrainian partners who are the main customers of our products. It's all - the point of support of our team ", - he said. Victor Subotin assured that "Turboatom" will always remain reliable partner, which will always move forward in development of Ukraine.

There were recalled during celebrations and those turbine constructors who had already left this world, but left memory of themselves in hearts of all thousands team of "Turboatom". There were recalled those who, with their selfless work, made Kharkiv plant renowned and strong enterprise.

Honored artists of Ukraine and finalists of musical contests sang between speeches of guests for audience. Concert was concluded by performance of the star of modern stage - Olga Polyakova.