On 13 May 2019, at "Turboatom" festive concert was held with participation of artists of the creative studio of the plant "All ours". Songs of the Second World War and contemporary compositions were performed.
Event was dedicated to holidays: Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, Day of Victory over Nazism in the Second World War and Mother's Day, celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
Guests of the holiday - veterans of "Turboatom" were greeted by Deputy General Director Dmytro Nesterenko, Deputy Chairman of Trade Union Committee Olga Nedashkovska and Head Veterans' Council Larysa Bulatetska. They thanked veterans for their work, which was the key to successful work of the enterprise in present times, and wished them good health, goodness, happiness and peaceful sky above their heads.
Pensioners were also congratulated by Chief Doctor of medical-sanitary division of "Turboatom" Yuriy Ivanchenko, who in his speech reminded about approach of heat and gave some advice on how to avoid sunstroke. He also spoke about epidemic of measles that still rages in Ukraine, adding need for vaccination, as the only method of combating this disease.