In August 2019, "Turboatom" completely finished manufacture of modernized equipment – wicket gates - for Dniester HPP-1, station No. 6.
At present, the last 7 wicket gates (WG) for turbine PL60-V-600 have been sent to power plant, thus all 24 wicket gates are manufactured. Runner remains in production.
According to the agreement with PJSC "Ukrhydroenergo", signed in August 2018, Kharkiv enterprise repairs blade system of the runner and will also carry out modernization of WG.
Previously, plant had already modernized hydroelectric units at power plant. In particular, hydroelectric unit No. 4 was modernized, its commission took place in spring of 2012.
At all six hydroelectric units of Dniester HPP-1, Kaplan type turbines with capacity of 119.5 MW are installed, each with diameter of runner 6 m, manufactured by "Turboatom", which were supplied in 1980s.
Distributor regulates flow of water through turbine, and also stops supply of water to runner and to lower pound. Structurally, it is cylindrical type with 24 blades. Structure includes: bottom ring, turbine cover, governing ring, wicket gates with rotary mechanisms, etc. Wicket gates are controlled by four servomotors through the wicket gates rotary mechanism and governing ring.
Rotation of WG is performed in synchronous with rotation of runner blades by combinatorial dependence, ensuring smooth flow of stream on runner blades and, as a consequence, optimum efficiency of the turbine.