“Turboatom” completes work on equipment for Kyiv PSPP


The work on the second of three radial-axis hydraulic turbines of РО75-В-300 type for Kyiv PSPP is completing at workshops of JSC “Turboatom”.

In particular, the company is engaged in the shipment of the runner, shaft and servomotors to the turbine.

Also, at the end of October, specialists from the Kharkiv plant plan to hand over a distributer to the customer’s representatives – PrJSC “Ukrhydroenergo”, after which the order will be closed in production.

It is worth reminding that on July 16, 2019, at the Kyiv PSPP, the hydroelectric unit No. 2 was put into trial operation after reconstruction, which was successfully completed by “Turboatom” in conjunction with the SE “Plant Elektrotyazhmash”.

On December 30, 2016, “Turboatom” and “Ukrhydroenergo” entered into a contract for the reconstruction of three units of the Kyiv PSPP. The contract was signed in the framework of the project “Rehabilitation of hydroelectric power plants”, which is implemented under the joint financing of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank. “Turboatom” acted as the general contractor of the turnkey project. The contract will be executed in partnership with “Electrotyazhmash”.