“Turboatom” continues to participate in the “Battle of Corporations”


The plant continues to participate in the competition of a sports tournament among enterprises of Kharkiv – “Battle of Corporations”.

Last weekend, the fourth stage of the Battle of the Corporations tournament – streetball competition ended.

The day before, the “Turboatom” team successfully competed in table tennis, in which the turbo-builders reached the finals, losing in a hard matchup to the Metropolitan team with a score of 1-2. Now, according to the results of four stages, our team takes the 4th place in the overall standings.

It is worth reminding that in October 2019, the fifth season of the “Battle of the Corporations” sports tournament, called the “Autumn Cup”, began. It consists of five competitions: sports poker, indoor soccer, streetball, table tennis and Mad head.

The “Battle of Corporations” is the best sports tournament in Kharkiv, which consists of 10 sports. Amateur athletes who represent exclusively their company take part in it. This may be an enterprise of the Kharkiv region, regional offices of national or international companies.

The tournament is held to promote a healthy lifestyle, develop amateur sports, create a platform for informal business communication and strengthen corporate culture among employees of organizations.

You can watch the progress of the competition and the results of the teams ’performances on the website www.bitva.com.ua