“Turboatom” continues work on equipment for “Ukrhydroenergo”


The work on the production of equipment for several stations subordinate to PrJSC “Ukrhydroenergo” continues in the workshops of JSC “Turboatom”.

In particular, work is underway on the production of blades for a distributor (station number 2) for the Seredniodniprovska HPP: now 28 out of 32 planned blades have been prepared for shipment. The final production and packaging of the 4 remaining blades is planned before the end of this month. In October, “Turboatom” specialists shipped a turbine runner to the station.

In autumn, the turbine runner, shaft and servomotors were shipped to the Kyiv PSPP (station number 6). The distributor is fully manufactured and will be shipped to the station this month.

It is worth reminding that the contract for the reconstruction of two hydraulic units (adjustable-blade turbines and generators) for Seredniodniprovska HPP between “Turboatom” and “Ukrhydroenergo” was concluded in November 2017, its implementation is planned for 2021.

In 2016, enterprises signed a contract for the reconstruction of three units of the Kyiv PSPP within the framework of the project “Rehabilitation of hydroelectric power plants”, which is implemented under the joint financing of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank. “Turboatom” acted as the general contractor of the turnkey project and is implementing it in partnership with the SE “Plant “Electrotyazhmash”.