Issue of “Turboatom” privatization needs to be approached very carefully - Economy Minister Mylovanov


Issue of “Turboatom” privatization needs to be approached very carefully. On 5 December during visit to the enterprise, this was said by Minister of Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture Tymofey Mylovanov.

“Visit to “Turboatom” has made me think that the issue of privatizing of “Turboatom” needs to be addressed from all sides. We need to think how to do it most effectively. It should be noted that it is more expedient - 100% privatization, or maybe it is worth privatize 10%, or even transfer these companies (means “Turboatom” and “Electrovazhmash” - ed.) to the National Welfare and Wealth Fund and leave them in state property,”- said Mylovanov.

According to him, if “Turboatom” will be privatized, it is critically important who becomes owner of the enterprise. “Some owners may be interested in stopping this enterprise. This cannot be allowed. We need such owners who will retain jobs, technologies and invest in development. This must be ensured,”- said Mylovanov.

Answering to question about expediency of possible privatization of only “Electrovazhmash”, although the enterprise works in constant connection with “Turboatom”, Mylovanov said: “It is clear that the issue of liaison of “Turboatom” and “Electrovazhmash” is strategic. I am sure that the government will pay sufficient attention to this issue to find out how and when to carry out this privatization and to carry it out at all”.

According to him, absolute priority is the issue of enterprise efficiency. “There will be no quick, ill-advised steps. I will do my best and everything depends on me to ensure that “Turboatom”, “Electrovazhmash” and other enterprises are efficient, develop, have good owners - private or state - and be provided with orders,” - summed up Mylovanov.