The employee of “Turboatom” received the President of Ukraine Award


Processing engineer of JSC “Turboatom” Vitaliy Shary received the President of Ukraine Award for young scientists in 2019. This is stated in Presidential Decree No. 903/2019 dated 13.12.2019.

The prize was awarded to Vitaly Sharom and his three colleagues for their work “Increasing the service life of welded joints of power equipment of modern TPP power units”.

The management of the enterprise and the entire “Turboatom” team congratulate Vitaliy Shary on receiving this important award.

The President of Ukraine Award for young scientists has been awarded since 2000 and is appointed by the President of Ukraine on the proposal of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.

The prize is awarded for outstanding scientific research that contributes to the further development of the humanities, natural sciences, technical sciences, positively affects social progress and affirms the high prestige of national science in the world. The persons awarded the prize are awarded the title of Laureate of the President of Ukraine Award for young scientists and certificate and the badge of honor of a standard form are handed.