“Turboatom” was visited by international consultants


In February, JSC “Turboatom” was visited by delegation of international consultants of PJSC “Ukrhydroenergo” - representatives of “Mott MacDonald” company.

In particular, Head of Group and Hydropower Specialist of “Mott MacDonald” Fidel Homero Arzola Naime, Local Head Tetiana Chekhet and Local Specialist on Hydroelectric Engineering Igor Gonchar arrived at the plant.

During scheduled meeting, guests visited the main production workshops, where they got acquainted with course of production of equipment for Ukrainian hydroelectric power plants, and were able to observe process of casting of equipment in foundry workshop 50.

It should be reminded that with the help of European banks “Turboatom” together with “Elektrotyazhmash” implements a number of projects:

- Kaniv HPP. In November 2016, “Turboatom” and “Ukrhydroenergo” signed the contract for rehabilitation of two units of power plant. In accordance with the contract, "Turboatom" develops design, project and technical documentation, as well as manufactures and supplies 7 hydraulic turbines ПЛ 15-ГК-600 in complete configuration for reconstruction of two units of Kaniv HPP.

- Kyiv PSPP. The contract for reconstruction of three units of power plant was concluded between “Turboatom” and “Ukrhydroenergo” on 30 December 2016. “Turboatom” acted as a General Contractor of “turnkey” project. For power plant “Turboatom” develops documentation, performs model tests and delivers to the power plant three Francis type hydraulic turbines PO75-B-300 type, performs dismantling, installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning works. The first hydroelectric unit (st. No. 2) was put into industrial operation on 1 October of this year after reconstruction.

- Seredniodniprovska HPP. The contract for reconstruction of two hydropower units (Kaplan type turbines and generators) was concluded on 22 November 2017 between “Turboatom” and “Ukrhydroenergo”. The contract is expected to be implemented by September 2021.

- Dnipro-2 HPP. The contract for reconstruction of two hydropower units (Kaplan type turbines and generators) was concluded on 22 November 2017 between “Turboatom” and “Ukrhydroenergo”. The contract is expected to be implemented by May 2021.

- Kremenchug HPP - contract for reconstruction of Kaplan type units was concluded between “Turboatom” and “Ukrhydroenergo” on 14 March 2019. The subject of the contract is reconstruction of two turbines and two generators of hydroelectric units. st. Nos 4, 5, including design, manufacture, delivery of equipment, execution of dismantling works and services of engineering support.