The employees of JSC “Turboatom” on February 27 at the staff conference approved a collective agreement for 2020-2021, and also summed up the results of the agreement for 2018 - 2019.
The company’s General Director Viktor Subotin addressed the staff. According to him, the plant is working stably and already has plans to ensure its load. “I want to report that we have a uniform load throughout all of our main types of production this year. In particular, we have signed a contract with SE “NNEGC “Energoatom” for supply equipment to South Ukrainian NPP. It is very important because it opens the way for us to carry out the modernization program for turbines at Ukrainian nuclear power plants in our “1000 MWe reactor” turbines, and subsequently at Russian ones under the import substitution program. And this is our load for the next 5 years,” – the General Director said.
He also said that “Turboatom” already has a load for the production of equipment for hydropower plants for the next 3 years. Work towards increasing the portfolio of orders is ongoing. “We are actively working with Kazakhstan on hydraulic plantss: Shulbinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk, on thermal plants: TPP Aksu and Ekibastuz-1 TPP. If not this year, then we will definitely sign a contract next year. Thus, with all the economic difficulties both in Ukraine and in the world, we have stable work,” – Viktor Subotin emphasized.
He also noted the achievements in the work of the social policy of the enterprise. “Last year, we repaired the sports complex, held a sports and athletic contest at a high level. Already in the early spring, the repair of the plant recreation center “Blue Bay” will begin, repairs of the canteens at the enterprise are underway,” – said the head of “Turboatom”.
A report on the results of the plant’s work was made by the Chief Engineer of the enterprise Grigorii Ishchenko. He said that the stable operation of the enterprise made it possible to maintain positive dynamics in all areas of production and economic activity, to successfully cope with the full implementation of the collective agreement for the reporting period. In particular, the annual sales volume of products for 2018 amounted to 2 billion 615 million UAH, for 2019 - 2 billion 823 million UAH. In particular, equipment was produced for: South-Ukrainian, Zaporizhzhya, Khmelnitsky, Rivne NPPs, Paks NPP (Hungary), Kaiga NPP and Rajasthan NPP (India), Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria), Armenian NPP (Armenia), Aksu TPP (Kazakhstan). And also for hydroelectric power plants: Dniester PSPP, Kaniv, Seredniodniprovska, Dnipro-2 HPP, Kakhovska HPP; Rogun HPP (Tajikistan), Largi HPP (India); Salto - Grande HPP (Mexico).
Grigorii Ishchenko said that “Turboatom” timely makes payments to state and local budgets, has no debts for energy consumption and wages. In 2018, 923 million UAH was transferred to the state budget in the form of taxes, fees, dividends and a single social contribution, in 2019 – 1 billion 111 million UAH.
The central place in the growth of production efficiency was occupied by issues of raising the technical level of production. About 80 million UAH were spent on the implementation of the “Investment program for the technical re-equipment of Turboatom until 2025”. In particular, more than 130 units of technological equipment were repaired and modernized and more than 20 units of new equipment were purchased.
As a result of measures taken to increase wages, the average salary of industrial personnel over the enterprise in 2019 amounted to 12800 UAH, and for production workers of the main production - 18500 UAH. As a result of the work of 2018 and 2019, the 13th salary was paid.
According to the Chief Engineer, the draft collective agreement for 2020 - 2021 contains specific measures on labor protection, social development of the staff, it mainly retains the benefits and compensation of previous years. The economic basis for their implementation is a balanced production plan and basic technical and economic indicators. The planned sales volume for 2020 is about 2.9 billion UAH. Work on filling the portfolio of orders continues.
According to the Chairman of the “Turboatom’s” trade union committee, Mykola Turchyn, serious attention is paid to creating healthy and safe working conditions for workers at the enterprise. In particular, in accordance with industry standards and a collective agreement, plant workers are provided with special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment. In just two years, more than 40 items of workwear have been purchased. According to the results of certification of workplaces, all employees who work in harmful working conditions receive appropriate benefits and compensation.
Particular attention is paid to the training of workers who are involved in the manufacture and control of certified products: turners, turner-borers, vertical lathe operators, milling machine operators, electric welders, flaw detectors, and quality controllers. During the reporting period, 430 people were trained in such professions, including 66 machine operators, 1425 workers improved their skills.
The Chairman of the trade union committee said that on the territory of “Turboatom” its own public catering network is uninterruptedly operating: 7 canteens and 4 snack bars; the medical unit of the enterprise, where work on servicing the employees of the enterprise is clearly organized. Over two years, 1,495 people had a rest in the “Blue Bay”, of which 1,214 people had discounted vouchers (15%), including 332 children of employees of the enterprise, 101 pensioners. Free of charge vouchers for 18 participants of operation of joint efforts and two married couples working for the enterprise were allotted.
The children of the company's employees at a reduced cost rested in children's camps at the “Berminvody” sanatorium and on the Sea of Azov in the children's recreation camp “Saliut”. A total of 186 children rested.
“Today we accept a collective agreement for two years. Maintaining our production achievements and social programs will require even more concentrated efforts from the management, the trade union committee and all members of the labor collective,” stressed Mykola Turchyn, thr Chairman of the trade union committee.