"Turboatom" team takes second place in "Battle of Corporations"


4 July 2020, the V season of corporate tournament "Battle of Corporations" 2019 - 2020 ended. The last stage was Beach Volleyball.

According to results of V season of "Battle of Corporations" tournament, combined team of "Turboatom" took the second place.

"Battle of Corporations" is a sports tournament in Kharkiv, which consists of two Cups of five kinds sports. In Spring Cup "Turboatom" took II place competing in bowling (7th place), badminton (1st place), lasertaz (5th place) and beach volleyball (9th place). In Autumn Cup - III place: poker (11th place), mini-football (5th place), streetball (6th place), table tennis (2nd place), intellectual game "Mad Head" (2nd place).

Turbine constructors have improved their own results over the past two years, when athletes have earned bronze medals in the tournament, 55 turbine constructors took part in V season of "Battle of Corporations" and in total more than 2.000 athletes from 18 teams of Kharkiv enterprises competed in the tournament.

This tournament is attended by amateur athletes who represent only their company. It can be the enterprise of the Kharkiv region, regional representations of national or international companies.

Tournament is held to promote healthy lifestyle, development of amateur sports, creating a platform for informal business communication and strengthening corporate culture among employees of organizations.