The IX Spartakiad took place at the sports complex “Turbinist”


On September 12, 2020, the ninth annual Spartakiad dedicated to the professional holiday of turbine builders - the Day of the Machine Builder of Ukraine took place at the sports complex “Turbinist”.

The Spartakiad was held in compliance with all the necessary requirements for mass sports events. 154 athletes took part in the competition.

At the beginning of the event, Viktor Subotin, General Director of JSC “Turboatom”, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. He congratulated all colleagues on the upcoming professional holiday: “It's nice to see that our team is healthy in mind and body. We try to maintain such moods; therefore we are doing everything necessary for turbo builders to have the opportunity to go in for sports. I wish you to show the best results today at the competition, gained strength for new labor victories!”

The Chairman of the Trade Union Committee Mykola Turchyn noted in his address that such events unite the team: “I am glad to welcome you to the next Spartakiad, which brought together the best athletes of our enterprise. It's great that we have the opportunity to meet outside the plant walls. I wish victory to the strongest!”

Greetings were also expressed by the Head of the Administration of the Moskovsky district of the Kharkov City Council, Oleg Tovkun, who attended the sporting event as a guest. He congratulated the turbine builders on their professional holiday and wished them success in the competition.

Viktor Subotin awarded 14 athletes of the enterprise with certificates of honor of JSC “Turboatom”, who won I and II places in competitions in the sports season 2019-2020.

The program of the Spartakiad this year includes the final competitions in the following sports: athletics, table tennis, checkers, chess, arm wrestling, kettlebell lifting, football, streetball and beach volleyball.

Among the production units, the first place in terms of the number of medals was taken by the 60 workshop (7 medals), the second - by the 72 workshop (6 medals), the third - by the 66 workshop (4 medals).

Sportsmen of the special design bureau “Turboatom” (11 medals) were the best among the employees. The second place was taken by the team of the department of labor organization and wages (6 medals), the third place was taken by the employees of the technological department (5 medals).

In the competition among fans in tug-of-war, workshop 73 became the winner.