JSC “Turboatom” became the winner of the All-Ukrainian rating “Conscientious Taxpayer of Ukraine – 2019” in the field of machine-building industry.
On October 18, 2020, all members of the Supreme Rating Commission of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization of the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine (VOO APNU) voted for this decision unanimously.
The decision, in particular, notes that “Turboatom” works in a transparent and honest format and pays taxes in good faith, fulfills its obligations to the state in good faith, and ensures its socio-economic stability and social welfare. "
The ceremony of awarding the winners of the All-Ukrainian rating “Conscientious taxpayers – 2019” at the state level will take place approximately on December 4, 2020 in the congress hall of the National University of Fiscal Service of Ukraine, subject to the necessary sanitary standards and physical distancing.