Equipment for Kremenchug HPP was handed over


JSC “Turboatom” handed over to the customer the equipment for the hydraulic turbine of Kremenchug HPP (station No. 4).

Hydraulic turbine workshop 83 has completed the assembly and testing of the oil receiver. In particular, the oil receiver itself and the rods of the runner were handed over to the representatives of the customer - PJSC “Ukrhydroenergo”. The workshop started packing for shipment.

It should be noted that from May 24 to May 28, 2021, training was held at the enterprise for specialists from Kremenchug HPP, namely, mechanics for the repair of hydraulic turbine equipment and the driver of hydraulic units.

It should be noted that earlier in the first quarter, the following equipment was already shipped to the station: embedded parts, runner, turbine shaft, cone, thrust bearing of upper ring part, leakage and drainage systems, and a set of loading and unloading devices.

In general, the completion of production of this unit is scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.

Also, work is underway on the hydroelectric unit st. No. 5. Now the machining of the main parts for the assembly of the runner and distributor is being completed.

The contract for the reconstruction of Kaplan units at Kremenchug HPP was signed between “Turboatom” and “Ukrhydroenergo” on March 14, 2019. The subject of the contract is the reconstruction of two turbines and two generators of hydroelectric units at st. No. 4, 5, including design, manufacture, supply of equipment, performance of dismantling and assembly works and engineering support services.