“Ukrenergymachines” in the “Battle of Corporations”


The plant continues to participate in the competitions of the sports tournament among the enterprises of Kharkiv – “Battle of Corporations”.

In November, the sportsmen of “Ukrenergymachines” JSC took part in table tennis competitions, where the plant team took 2nd place. Currently, the plant workers are in sixth place in the standings in the team rating.

The table tennis tournament was held at the Sports Palace “Lokomotiv” and brought together representatives of 15 companies.

8 teams passed the group stage, including “Ukrenergymachines”. Our athletes in the final met with last year's stage winners - the “Subway” team, to whom they lost with a score of 2:1.

These competitions became the third stage within the “Autumn Cup” drawing. Ahead of the “Ukrenergymachines” athletes is the next stage, which will be the darts competition scheduled for 28 November.

It is worth reminding that in September 2021, the VII season of the “Battle of Corporations” sports tournament called “Autumn Cup” began.