“UKRENERGYMACHINES”, JSC celebrated Machine Builders Day


On 19 September, festive events dedicated to the Day of Machine Builders of Ukraine took place at the enterprise

Machine Builders Day is a special holiday for UKRAINIAN ENERGY MACHINES team. Mechanical engineering is a branch that determines economic development and is concentration of all intellectual potential of the country. This is extremely hard work, and in today's conditions of military aggression on the part of Russian Federation, under constant shelling of the city and the enterprise, it is heroic. Sincere gratitude to every employee of our company!

On occasion of the holiday, solemn events and festive concert were held in bomb shelter with observance of security measures.

General Director Viktor Subotin thanked every employee of the plant: “Today we all woke up to the sounds of powerful explosions. Our company was also affected. And, nevertheless, we work. Great respect to each of you, teams, people who go to workplaces and work for the good of our Ukraine. I want to thank you for your courage, dedication and professionalism”

City Mayor Ihor Terekhov also congratulated the team of “UKRENERGYMACHINES”, JSC: “For us, this is a real holiday - Machine Builders Day. I am proud of all of you, very grateful to each of you. In fact, our victory, our future, and our present depend on you. The present of our glorious hero city of Kharkiv. I am very grateful that you are working in Kharkiv today. I want to wish you, first of all, peace - just peace, good health to each of you. May there always be joy in your families. You are our pride, a symbol of our city. Thank you!”

The Head of Kharkiv Regional Council, Tetiana Yehorova-Lutsenko, expressed her support for the employees: “They are talking about your team, your team all over the world. Despite all difficult conditions, your team never stopped working. We are proud of you. I wish you family comfort, good health and Victory for all of us!"

On behalf of Head of Regional Military Administration, Deputy Head of KhRSA Yevhen Ivanov congratulated the enterprise: “Your enterprise is one of the symbols of our city, enterprise known throughout the country, and even more so in the world. We are always with you, helping you, we will make every effort to make the enterprise work. Happy professional holiday!”

Yevhen Sokol, rector of NTU “KhPI” also congratulated employees of the plant: “Kharkiv has always been a center of mechanical engineering. Despite rashist aggression, it remains so. I congratulate you all on the holiday. I wish you good health, take care of yourself, because you are the golden fund of our city. We hope that you will stay in Kharkiv and work and achieve important results.”

Halyna Baeva, Head of Main Office of Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kharkiv Region, addressed those present with congratulatory words: “Today, everyone who lives and works in Kharkiv is a hero. You are all heroes. I wish you well-being in your families, family comfort, may your dreams come true and new ones will certainly appear. Be happy, healthy and may God protect you!”

On the occasion of holiday, the employees were awarded Certificates of Honor and Acknowledgments of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv City Council, and the Mayor, Heads of district administrations, and awards from people's deputies of Ukraine. In total, more than 100 employees were awarded honorary certificate of the plant or announced thanks. All awardees were rewarded by the company's management.

Evening traditionally continued with festive concert with participation of factory creative studio “All Ours”