Human Resources Department took part in NTU KhPI Doors Open Day


Human Resources Department took part in the Doors Open Day of the National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, for which JSC “Turboatom” was invited as a leading employer.

In the framework of the discussion program “Professions of the Future”, the head of HR department Kyrychenko G.I. told about employment opportunities at the enterprise and cooperation with the university.

Entrants and their parents learned what are the prospects for employment after graduating from university departments, with which our company cooperates in training specialists and undergoing practical training. This academic year, the departments of “Hydraulic Machines” and “Turbine Engineering” are training young specialists in the dual training system.

It is necessary to form an opinion among schoolchildren and students, that they came to the higher educational establishment not only for theoretical knowledge, but in order to gain practical skills and shape their future career. And this is impossible without the participation of employers.