At JSC "Ukrainian Energy Machines", training of personnel is organized in accordance with standard of the enterprise "Organization of professional training of personnel", provision "On professional training of personnel in production", plan for training and staff development developed in accordance with production needs for qualified personnel and approved by order of General Director.
Professional training of employees of the enterprise is continuous and carried out throughout their work activities in order to expand and deepen their knowledge, abilities and skills, in accordance with requirements of production.
Work on professional training of personnel at JSC "Ukrainian Energy Machines" is organized and conducted jointly with subdivisions department of training and development of Human Resource Department, in accordance with requirements of educational regulations.
Annually, 150-170 workers for different professions study at the enterprise. Particular attention is paid to training of workers who are involved in manufacture and control of certified products: turners, turners - borers, turners – vertical lathe operators, millers, electric welders, defectoscopists, QCD controllers.
Over six months of 2020, 37 people were trained in such professions, including 6 machine operators.
Every employee of the enterprise once every 5 years, and workers who participate in production of certified products: machine operators, electric welders, defectoscopists, QCD controllers and thermists, every 3 years study at different courses of advanced study.
Over six months of 2020, 151 people improved their qualifications (75 workers, 76 office workers).
Also young employees of the enterprise improve their technical level by studying without interrupting from work in higher educational establishments. Today 23 people are studying at HEE.
In order to train workers, JSC "Ukrainian Energy Machines" cooperates with Regional Employment Center, concluded agreements with Kharkiv Center of Vocational Education Center of State Employment Service for undertaking of practical training.